A good 3-day stretch!

July 1, 2018

The past 3 days have been wonderful. I have been back to feeling like my normal self! You almost forget what “normal” feels like. My family and I went to the lake this weekend and we had a blast. One of my best friends Wig and I went tubing today and OMG my Dad gave us the best ride! I saw massive waves coming our way and said “Hold on Wig!!!” Before you know it we are both airborne flying in the sky.. I couldn’t hold on!! I fell face first in the water and inhaled the entire lake!! My eyes were closed tight the whole time so I figured I was the only one that fell off and then all of a sudden I felt something in the water… it was Wig!! Bahaha we were laughing our asses off! I laughed so hard I peed my pants! I don’t think I have ever done that before 😂 LOL. 

Tomorrow is my fourth chemo infusion! LAST red devil and half way there! Can I get a woop woop! As much as it sucks I am SO relieved this is the last red devil. 

Spirits are high and life is GOOD 😊

❤️ Kel

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